Support Israel with Stand-Alone $14B Senate Bill!

Support Israel with Stand-Alone $14B Senate Bill!

Actions Taken

Don’t allow Israel to carry the burden of defending the West against Islamic Terror including the savage butchers of the Palestinian Hamas!

We don’t want to see the United States directly enter the Israel-Hamas conflict. We do want to see the United States play a strong role in deterrence and de-escalation in the form of strong financial aid for critical defense systems to help Israel eliminate the Palestinian-Hamas regime whose terror network is spread around the world, operating, and calling the shots in Gaza. 

Call on Congress to pass a stand-alone bill and rush aid to Israel today!

“Israel, the Jewish state, the only democracy in the Middle East, continues to shine as a beacon of light in the darkest region of the world.”
-Brigitte Gabriel

Help Us Support Israel and Pass a Stand-Alone $14B Senate Bill!

Every dollar raised will be dedicated to raising awareness, and mobilizing grassroots pressure on every elected official to impact policy.

j jablansky j
S Semler S
F Fehr F
G Guerra G
S Santana S